Packers Talk

Packers Therapy #370: Packers Defeat Time Zone and Twenty-Niners



Chris and Dave recount the bullying of a broken and sick 49ers (or less) team. Hey, a win is a win, right? Also, as the trade deadline has come and gone, it's no surprise that the Packers couldn't find a deal, considering they rarely do. Chris and Dave discuss what possible strategies the Packers are implementing; are they too conservative with salary and/or draft picks? Or is there a bigger picture to keep the team perpetually "almost great"? Posting its first show in 2005, Packers Therapy is the longest-running Packers podcast on the Internet. Hosts Chris and Dave began the show as a way of capturing the spirited chats the two co-workers had about the team around the office. The two have no pretense about being experts: they are just two opinionated shareholders who love the team, follow it closely, but don’t always see the Packers fortunes eye to eye. The guys encourage comments and questions via their Twitter feed @PackersTherapy or email to and read and respond to as ma