Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Life Interrupted | Part 4 | It’s Not Fair! | Jon Sprouse



It's Not Fair! Life Interrupted: Reluctant Prophet, Relentless God July 30, 2023 In an online article at, Ryan Jenkins, author, speaker and generations expert writes, “Entitlement is perhaps the top word associated with the Millennial generation. In fact, 71 percent of American adults think of Millennials as “selfish,” and 65 percent think Millennials are ‘entitled.’” The Millennial generation – those born between 1980 and 1995, have been characterized as self-absorbed, narcissistic, overconfident, materialistic and lazy. (My apologies to any of you Millennials out there, but that’s what the research says!). There’s no shortage of information to support the assertions; studies have been completed, data has been analyzed, and reports have been published. When all is said and done, it seems to me that what it boils down to is a lot of unrealistic, unmet expectations and an inability to know what to do with them. But are these traits really a millennial thing or could it be that this is a human thing? F