Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Condition of Fallen Man



Jeremiah 2:10-12 — What is the greatest contradiction about humanity? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in this sermon from Jeremiah 2:10–12 titled “The Condition of the Fallen Man,” it is the fact that people claim to be great rational thinkers, yet they reject God and die in sin. Humanity claims to be enlightened, yet they are slaves to sin. The explanation is that people have rejected God and pursued their own goals in life because they are sinners. A person is not the master of their own fate as they would like to believe, but they are a slave to sin. What then is the answer to humanity’s sinful condition? The answer is grace. People can only escape their sin and the judgment that follows it because God has acted in time and history in the person of Jesus Christ. The gospel breaks into a person’s foolishness and blindness and gives life. God gives glory and honor in and through Jesus Christ because all that repent of their sins and believe are made children of God, righteous and holy. The sermon calls a