Footballistically Arsenal

Niche Goalkeeping Trivia



Boyd and Josh were joined by Arsenal twitter legend @GeoffArsenal to rejoice at a 5th victory in 5 Premier League games, leaving Arsenal on top of the pile. With deadline day drawing to a close we reflect on the state of our squad and realistic ambitions for the year ahead, while celebrating everything that’s brilliant going on at the club right now. Not least Boyd’s delight at the improved catering options at club level. Don't miss a daily, lunchtime bite of football news from the Whistleblowers Daily.  Search wherever you get your podcasts, or follow one of the links below - Apple - Spotify - Google -  @arsenalpodcast  Produced by Josh Landy  Engineered by Leon Gorman  A Playback Media Production  Copyright 2022 Playback Media Ltd - playb