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This is Your Brain on Fear, Stress, Anxiety and Depression



Fear, stress and anxiety increase when we believe or perceive that our power, influence or control are diminished or threatened by challenges beyond our control. Fear, stress and anxiety are reactions (not illness). We have shifted our locus of control from us… to ”them”.The similarities and differences between these reactions.Internally, your reaction to fear, stress, anxiety and depression are similar yet with key difference in triggers, affects and timeframe.Fear is an intense, biological response to immediate externalthreat and a danger to your safety. Your response is usually intense, physical and very short term. It’s usually unsafe, negative and unpleasant. During the event time dilates, you see more, feel more. By the time you think about it, the trigger is in the past and you may then experience the euphoria of relief and survival. “Adrenaline junkies” thrive on that “high” and deliberately seek such challenges.Stress is your brain’s response to, mostly externally triggered challenge, change, demand