Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

LIVING WELL from Thoth and Mary



Meditations and Teachings from the Ascended Master Thoth and Mary through Norma Gentile.  Given on Aug. 25, 2009.Purchase or download Norma's recordings of Live Sound Healings1  Introduction  (1:40)2  Living Well, an essay from Thoth  (4:30)Living well is more than just living.  Surviving is more than breathing while in physical form. Just beyond the veil or boundary of your thought are worlds that you are about to explore.  Just as sailing ships brought you in the past from one port to another, your heart and your ability to trust and know truth when it is presented to you are the vehicles for your journeys now.  Your travels will take you into these new realms, through the mists of veils now fading away.  3. Creating Sacred Space  (5:06)Staring with an invocation to Nature and  invoking your own personal connection to Archangel Michael4  Reality is in the Beholder's Eye  from Thoth (5:01)As you are in the presence of anything and everything, it is a part of your world, and it vibrates in accordance with you