Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

415 - Revelation - Part Fourteen: Sexual Immorality



Revelation - Part Fourteen: Sexual Immorality. Here we go... Image. Likeness. Desire. Dominion. Human. Purity. Angels. Animals. Holy moly. God created us fully human – not to be animals, not be angels. An animal – physical body, but no spiritual life. An angel – spiritual life, but no physical body. God didn’t not create us angels, nor did he create us animals… Human beings are unique in creation – fully physical and fully spiritual…two distinct realms brought together in humans. So what does that mean for sex? Theological Considerations:  Who am I?  Beloved by God in brokenness/I am a guest at Jesus’ table Log and Speck - I am deeply broken, too What community am I a part of?  I am part of a community that is called to offer hospitality to the outcasts and marginalized - FORSAKING ALL OLD CREATION DYNAMICS  I am part of a community has done real harm to LGBTQ+ people -  they are wounded deeply and set up in the worst possible state to figure this out (rejected by family and church) I am part