School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

COACHING SESSION: Boys Adrift: Why Boys & Men Turn to Video Games and What to Do About It



This content is taken from a recording of a live coaching session with our Extraordinary Family Life Formula coaching group. It is member-only content. If you would like to access it you can join The Formula or you can subscribe as a premium member of the Extraordinary Family Life Podcast. Click on the timestamp to fast-forward to that point in the video. 2:20  "If you haven't played video games in the last 10 years, they have become more addictive." The people who create games, and other media, are strategically using their knowledge of human psychology and neurology in their favor. In schools, competition is being removed and socially discouraged and as a result, many boys are turning to video games.  7:17  Just from your experience, being married, raising boys, and working with boys, what have you perceived, on your own, what boys want and need? Tony Robbins teaches that every human being has 6 basic needs. Boys and men turn to video games to try and fulfill one of their basic needs! As moms