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The Dark Journey: The July – August “Oracle Speak” Forecast.



Ana Cortez Ana Cortez - PUSH THE PLAY BUTTON ABOVE TO HEAR THE LATEST FORECAST. There is an inward journey and an old enduring issue that is ready to be put into the past. Time to rally all your resources to put this thing to rest!  This month's “Oracle Speak” Podcast blew me away, as echoes from LAST MONTH'S FORECAST came slinking into this month's Forecast! Cards for "Oracle Speak" were drawn just hours after the New Moon, July 15, 2015, from the NEW Playing Card Oracle, Alchemy Edition Deck. SEE PICTURE ABOVE. It's a forecast about going INWARD to meet our own past, finally putting OLD ISSUES to rest. It’s all there on the table, and in the forecast… To find out how to use the Oracles for yourself, get the Playing Card Oracles eBook HERE. To check out the NEW “ALCHEMY EDITION” DECK used in the podcast go HERE. I’d love to hear your feedback and your personal stories related to the “Oracle Speak” forecast in the comments of this page. Join the Facebook Fan Page for the latest Oracle updates and news, and c