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Furnace of Transformation: The New FORECAST



Ana Cortez Ana Cortez - JUST PUSH THE PLAY BUTTON ABOVE TO LISTEN TO THE FORECAST. This "Oracle Speak" Podcast was recorded live on the New Moon, May 18, 2015. Drawn during the broadcast were the Jack of Spades, 9 of Hearts, 9 of Diamonds, and Ace of Diamonds. Whereas last lunar month was more about process, this month brings home the bacon. There is a significant ending resulting in total transformation, and ultimately rebirth. In short, it's a total power month, featuring a very mystical, very exceptional combination of cards I call "the doorway." It's all there on the table, and in the forecast...   To get the "Oracle Alchemy" Book mentioned in the forecast, go HERE. To find out how to use the Oracles for yourself, get the Playing Card Oracles eBook HERE. To check out the NEW "ALCHEMY EDITION" DECK used in the podcast go HERE. I’d love to hear your feedback and your personal stories related to the "Oracle Speak" forecast in the comments of this page. Join the Facebook Fan Page for the latest Oracle update