Elite Expert Insider

Beyond Marketing Basics: Exploring Demand Generation with Deanna Shimota



Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Deanna Shimota about mastering B2B and B2C marketing with a focus on demand generation and content automation. What You’ll Learn In This Episode: How to create a digital footprint. How to manage your media channels. How to implement demand generation. Quotes: "The way I look at it, lead generation and demand generation are actually very different marketing strategies. With lead generation, your marketing programs are only focusing on capturing the companies that are in market to buy right now. Demand generation has a focus in driving value, including consumers who are not looking to buy right now." (04:42) "If you've got this unique point of view in the story and it's very targeted to your ideal customer profile, You start to resonate more with them and you give them a reason to want to follow along." (11:21) "Sometimes we just have to pick a few things and do them really well and have the patience to let them work." (21:34) A