The Sharp End

Ep 56 - A Long, Long Fall in the Colorado Mountains - Scott Reed



Scott Reed and a friend trekked more than five miles into the mountains west of Denver to attempt a long, moderate ice climb during the short days of late December. At an elevation around 12,000 feet, they climbed several pitches and then, in high wind, decided to bail back down the route. Toward the bottom, Scott, age 23 at the time, pondered whether or not to rappel from just one small piece of protection and save a little money. As it turned out, his decision would be much more costly than he imagined. In Episode 56 of the Sharp End, Scott speaks with Ashley about his long fall, the incredible self-rescue back to their car, and the lessons he learned (including the value of satellite communication devices on remote climbs). The Sharp End is presented by Mammut, with additional support from Desert Mountain Medicine, Suunto, and Minus33. This podcast is produced by the American Alpine Club.