Consciousness And Energy Healing Expert Sherry Anshara's Your Wake Up Call

Consciousness, Energy Healing and Listening



Consciousness, Energy Healing and Listening     Hi, I’m Sherry Anshara, your consciousness expert, and it’s your time for consciousness. This is your Wake Up Call.     Sherryism: to listen you must hear. If you don’t listen you can’t hear. The first expert to listen to is yourself. Why be worried about what other people think your saying. Don’t take it personally. Personalize it to yourself. Listen to yourself. Don’t listen to others spewing. It’s all about them, not you. Listen to your own body, not what others say. To listen to what is going on outside of you, you must listen to hear. Otherwise you’ll only be hearing the programs. You hear through your ears, but that’s through the programming. Listen through your heart. Your head will be in the story. If you’re only telling the story, you don’t get the facts. Listen through your heart and your hearing ears will hear things in a different way. Listen in for more!     Join us everyday at and be motivated, be surprised abo