Consciousness And Energy Healing Expert Sherry Anshara's Your Wake Up Call

Consciousness, Energy Healing and Getting Unstuck



Consciousness, Energy Healing and Getting Unstuck. Hi I’m Sherry Anshara, your consciousness expert, and it’s your time for consciousness. This is your Wake Up Call.   Are you feeling Stuck?  Are you saying I have these ideas and I’m stuck. Your physical brain doesn’t know the difference about time. An Example how you get stuck: If an authority figure at age 6 said you’re stupid, it created a nuero-net, a fusing in your left brain that goes to our right side of your body. So you begin to recognize that word stupid. Oh, I feel like I was hit in my stomach, but you’re 6 years old, you have to believe the belief system. You’re brain says you’re 6 years old and your body has to go along with it.  It is the emotionality of the judgment that you lack something and that’s where you’re stuck, the nuero-nets create an emotional bridge to your stomach., A dis-ease creating a dis-ease in there. IBS – I bull-shit. Neuro-net programs, an outside source triggers, and you go back.   Take the drugs out of healing yourself a