Consciousness And Energy Healing Expert Sherry Anshara's Your Wake Up Call

Consciousness, Energy Healing and What is Energy



Consciousness, Energy Healing and What is Energy. Hi I’m Sherry Anshara, your consciousness expert, and it’s your time for consciousness. This is your Wake Up Call.   What is Energy?   Everybody says energy makes up everything, planets, rocks, and the truth is energy is a by-product. Of either consciousness that is clear and it works and is free and clear and creative, or it’s a by-product of a belief system. A B.S. Program that’s limited. People will say “I don’t have any energy to do this, because they are stuck in their computer brain, their left brain and they are not able to manifest or actualize their life because their energy is taken down by their limitations.   Live the life that you are creating instead of living within those limitations. Energy is systems of vibrational frequencies of consciousness.  All frequencies of energy are represented in the universal consciousness, whether acknowledged or not, or in the multi-verse, as we are beginning to change from a duality based universe into a multi