:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 62: Be A Gate Builder



Churches should exist primarily to show Christ to the world, and what better representation than to be the voice, hands, and heart of love, acceptance, and forgiveness? Before Christ, the Ethiopian eunuch would have never been allowed in the “family.” This was not only because of his race but also because of his status. However, Jesus not only understood his Father, he also knew the Scriptures when Isaiah paints a beautiful “gate” of promised acceptance. No wonder the eunuch was so inquisitive as to what prohibited him from being baptized.This week one of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS asked the question: What kind of gates do you think are needed in the walls you see erected around you in your world? What would it take to start building them? How would your life be different if you were to build even one? Please share and reach out to us directly from the FHC Mobile App. You can share by using the Media tab, and then - Podcast banner - use the text and email share buttons, or use one of the following:■ Text: 407-965-1