:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 16: Life is in the Blood



They say you can pick your friends but not your family and in theory that may be true. However, this week our trio investigates the often scary world of covenants, rules, sacrifices, and the symbolism of blood in the bible. For all that can be confusing and misunderstood we find some reassuring clarity; family. We are all family in a new lineage of Christ that brings faith to the forefront of our journey. This realization should bring peace and joy to our hearts. Our capacity for empathy should explode for those we once viewed as outsiders but now embrace as family. Everyone is welcome!Our next guest speaker and new series will be revealed before we close the episode so stay tuned to see what is ahead this weekend and for episode 17 of the podcast!Join us each week on Wednesday as we take a look back at the prior weeks message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. To find the message from this weeks discussion, go to our website: ht