:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 14: Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho



After a brief one week hiatus we are back and join Andy, Randy, and Jeff in the studio for Episode 14.Today’s show covers weeks 2 and 3 of current series: Rated R for Relevance. We start with Sodom and Gomorrah and finish with Genocide and Jericho. Both of these stories appear to be fairly cut and dried when dealing with consequences, good vs evil, and interpreting God’s actions or intentions. But, of course things are not always as they seem on the surface.Stay until the end to find which character and story gets the R rated treatment this upcoming week as well as who may be bringing it to us!Join us each week on Wednesday as we take a look back at the prior weeks message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. To find the message from this weeks discussion, go to our website at www.hospitalchurch.org; and use the Archives link under the Sermons tab.We will take your questions and comments by tex message at 407-965-1607 or by email at