:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 6: VBS!



Welcome to Episode 6 of :15 with Randy, Greg, Megan and Fernanda! This week's show finds Andy and Jeff both missing in action. However, we not only find their replacements for this week, but we add an extra chair in the studio for good measure. Join this temporary but awesome podcast team for a meaningful and fun look at the summer tradition that is VBS! As always, we take a sneak peek at this coming week's message, and the new 6 week series ahead, don't miss it!Listen each week on Wednesday as we take a look back at the prior weeks message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. To find the message discussed, go to our website at www.hospitalchurch.org; and use the Media link under the Resources tab.We will take your email questions and comments at podcast@hospitalchurch.org, and from our social media streams by using the #hashtag: #fhcpodcastThank you for joining us and we will see you next week!#fhcpodcast #fhctakeaways #hospitalchurc