Rock Your Retirement Show

Why Can’t we Pull the Trigger and Retire?



Are you still working even though you are able to retire if you wanted? I started the Rock Your Retirement show in 2016.  Since then it has been downloaded over 220,000 times. Potential sponsors have reached out to me.  And I've been asked many times why I started the show. It started as a personal project but has grown to much more than that.  But since you asked, I'll try to explain it. I believe in the FIRE movement.  In case you haven't heard of it, FIRE stands for Financially Independent, Retire Early. I've had good examples of this. My dad was able to retire when he was fifty but kept working until he was fifty-five to provide more of a cushion. So I've seen people in my life retire early according to US standards. And he was so glad that he retired when he did.  He and his wife were able to travel the world for many years.  They were spending our inheritance and we didn't mind.  Literally cruises around the world that lasted for months.  They were Rocking Their Retirement for sure. He taught me to save