Rock Your Retirement Show

Your Medications Can Cause Dementia – Ep 196



This episode is from the vault and was first released November 20, 2017. Dr. Newton wants to educate people on how medications can cause dementia. Also, how to avoid these medications. The only thing worse than having dementia is taking care of a loved one with dementia. Many people do not realize that many medications can cause dementia. Dr. Camille Newton is a home visiting physician. You may also know it as a traveling doctor or mobile doctor. It is such an important service for seniors that are not able to travel for the doctor’s appointments. She focuses on minimizing medications. Especially psychotropic pharmaceuticals, to help senior brains stay healthier longer. Medications get tested by the FDA to see if they are safe. But those medications are not really tested to see if they cause brain failure. While performing house calls, she has seen the effect psychotropic medications have on people who take them for a long period. Some examples of psychotropic drugs are: * Antipsychotics including Risperdal