Rock Your Retirement Show

Kathe Joins the Retire Hoppy Show to Discuss Health Shares – Episode 192



This is Angie, the Rock Your Retirement producer. Kathe has been featured in other podcasts over the years. This episode takes you back to 2017, where Kathe appeared on the Retire Hoppy Podcast. We hope you enjoy it. And while you're enjoying our podcast, can you do us a quick favor? Click on this link to join the Retirement Community and Rock Your Retirement at One challenge of early retirement is finding affordable health insurance. Enter Health shares a more cost effective option for some. On this episode, I joined Roy Weinberg and Ted Carr of Retire Hoppy to break down what a health share is. Also, who might be interested and what a health share is not. What is a Health Share Ministry? I sell Medicare Insurance, so that is my background on health insurance. Because if that, I also look into a health share ministry for myself back in 2015. There’s not a lot of them and I was seriously considering it. What I know about health shares is that you have to be a Christia