Rock Your Retirement Show

Unretire Yourself – Episode 191



This is the last episode of this 4-part series podcast, and today we will talk about the Unretirement. You won't find this word inside a dictionary, but the question is why should you a retiree who have worked for many years, consider to unretire yourself? In the first episode of this series, we talked about why it is important to Rightsize Our Homes. The second part talked about the value of owning a second home, while in the last episode we have dwell into why it is the right time to feel contentment in life as we approach our golden years. These days, many workers who have retired are coming back into the fold. Your life doesn't end at 65 years of age, That is why older workers unretire because many of us derive work as our sense of purpose. People are living longer and because of that they are healthy enough to take on another job that can give them a sense of fulfillment in their career. Partial Retirement / Semi-Retirement Kathy Gottberg loves to write. Even though she can already afford to retire, she