Rock Your Retirement Show

How to Live in an RV: Episode 48



Living in an RV sounds like fun! But how much does it cost? What if you have too much stuff? Jerry Minchey is with us today to give us an advice on how we can live in an RV. You can listen to the show at On today’s episode of Rock Your Retirement, we’re learning about how to live in an RV! Jerry Minchey, #1 Best-Selling Author, is the author of several books about the RVing lifestyle and about retirement living. He lives full time in his 34-foot Class A motorhome. He has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, an MBA from USC, and an OPM degree from Harvard Business School. Jerry  has worked for NASA and worked for many years as a computer design engineer. He holds five patents, and he has a private pilot license with an instrument rating.  (Let's go flying!) He has owned several engineering and marketing businesses, and he is the founder and editor of the website  How did he decide to live in an RV? He tells us on today's episode. A