Rock Your Retirement Show

Why Rock Your Retirement? An FAQ- #000



Why Rock your Retirement?  A FAQ Retirement is not just about money. Why Rock Your Retirement?  Hi, I'm Kathe Kline and I've been working with retirees and pre-retirees since 1990.  Over the years I've noticed that happiness in retirement had very little to do with how much money you had, (unless you are living in poverty) and had a lot more to do with what you decide to do with your time after you retire.  I had clients who had huge houses who were not having a good retirement, and clients who were living in tiny mobile homes who were having the time of their lives.  What was the difference?  Why were some having a great retirement and others were miserable? In 2015 I gave up my securities license and decided to live a slower paced life.  I wanted to help people, but in a different way than I was doing it before.  Although I still have a small financial planning practice, I generally do not accept new clients. How can I help you?   Many times it is difficult for people to go from working 2000 hours to zero.