P.o.v. With David W. Torrence

P.O.V. episode 2.5: Talk To Yourself, Hear What You Wanna Know



Well, if it isn't you! Glad you visited, I've been worried. Like some tea? Water? Hows about a new P.O.V.! There, isn't that refreshing? This time, we go thru the hot latest news, like Buddy Hollys plane crash! Well, something thats been, ahem, DUG UP about it. More about the Rock Hall of Fame travesty and Sammy Hagars part in it; Tom Cruise tries to win Larry King to the dark side; Celeb deaths all over the place and so much more! BTW, heres the promised link to the wacky Van Halen meets Dr. Phil article: http://www.vhnd.com/articles/070312-01.shtml And as far as this weeks video...the mighty VH in their prime, with perhaps the weirdest video ever. Any bets on who came up with the storyline?