Strategic Happiness With Carl Massy

Discover the 8 Traits to Highly Successful People



Have you ever wondered what it was that actually lead to someone being highly successful? Do you wish you knew so you could get a bit of that success action too? Psychologists suggest that there is a real link between happiness and success as well. So in this weeks podcast I review a great book written by Richard St John called 'The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common'. He conducted 500 interviews over 10 years and is also himself successful, so it really is an informed read. Just to give you a taste (and it is no surprise) the number 1 trait of successful people is they have PASSION!!! To find out more about the other Top 7 Traits of Highly Successful People, check out this short podcast. It may just be a life changer. Have an awesome day. Cheers Carl