Strategic Happiness With Carl Massy

Exactly why is the Mediterranean Diet linked to increased health? - By Carl Massy



The answer is likely to be very different from what you thought! If you are like me you are probably confused so often about what is good, bad or neutral when it comes to nutrition and health. That is why about 10+ years ago I started reading about nutrition on a regular basis and trying out different local diets as I travelled and lived around the world. The things I found out not only gave me a better understanding about why some food regimes are better than others, but it also gave me better health along the way. So let’s get our strategic happiness muscles performing at their optimum as we learn what the best fuel is to put in our bodies. So in the next 20 mins I will teach you about why the Mediterranean Diet has been linked to lower rates of heart disease and obesity, and exactly what parts of the diet you should be focusing on for optimum health. The main benefits are unlikely to be what you have heard in the past.