Anchored With April Vokey Podcast

Anchored Podcast Ep. 227: Johnnie McClure on Fly Fishing the Madison River



I first heard of Johnnie McClure when I announced our 2023 member’s trip to Montana. I’d committed to dates that aligned with our filming of Kelly Galloup’s Masterclass for Anchored Outdoors (which I hope most of you are already members of). As word spread through our community, so too did the request that I get Johnnie on the show. Thankfully, I was able to steal an hour with Johnnie once we were off the water.   Though Johnnie has fly fished since he was a kid, it wasn’t until 2003 that he began working at the Slide Inn in Montana. He’s since become a guest favourite and is in regular demand for anglers both new and old. In this episode of Anchored, we discuss how he landed in Montana, the ins and outs of fishing the Madison, streamer fishing, colour changes and more. While on the subject of streamers, we’ve just launched our latest class with Kevin Feenstra and it’s one you won’t want to miss. In this 54 chapter class, you’ll learn when, where and how to fish baitfish, as well as how to tie them. If you're