Pubcast Worldwide

Ep. 52 | Travis Sheridan | President of Venture Cafe Global Institute | Live from The Scottish Arms in St. Louis, MO



Travis Sheridan just might have the coolest job in the world. As the Executive Director of the Venture Café Global Institute, Travis travels the world helping to create collaborative innovation communities in cities like Sydney, Tokyo, Rotterdam, and Philadelphia (just to name a few). As a life-long hustler and connecter, it’s pretty safe to say he’s the Anthony Bourdain of startups and innovation. Travis and I met up at The Scottish Arms in St. Louis, MO where we discussed what makes startup communities across the globe unique, the stories behind some of the craziest startup ideas Travis has encountered, and how “innovation is the process of improving the human condition.” As a strong voice in the St. Louis community as well (don’t forget to check out his own podcast Nothing Impossible), we dive into the St. Louis startup scene too, while obviously consuming a couple of St. Louis craft brews in the process. After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for t