Pubcast Worldwide

A Tribute to Anthony Bourdain | A Pubcast Worldwide Special Edition



Is it possible to define the influence and legacy of Anthony Bourdain? He was an inspiration to so many people in the travel and culinary worlds, including many past guests of the Pubcast. In this special edition of Pubcast Worldwide, four former guests return to the show to discuss the impact Bourdain had on their own travels and careers, and the broader legacy he is leaving behind. Broke-Ass Stuart, Ryan Drysdale, Valerie Stimac, and Nathaniel Boyle join me in a conversation reflecting on their first experiences with Bourdain, his raw, authentic style that set him apart, and the lessons he taught us about travel, culture and empathy over the years. If you’re a regular listener of Pubcast Worldwide, you know that Bourdain was a major inspiration for this show. Just as Bourdain was a master of sharing the stories of others, it only felt appropriate to have others share their stories in return. Listen in, as we raise a glass to honor the life of Anthony Bourdain. After you listen, make sure to head over to Pub