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Ep. 29 | Jan Macuch | Czech Beer & Food Tour Guide at Eating Europe | Live from Bonvivant’s in Prague, Czech Republic



We’re wrapping up our first international series with an episode in Prague, Czech Republic, a picturesque Central European city with a reputation for world-class nightlife, and beer that costs less than water! But while you’re undoubtedly familiar with Pilsner Urquell and other Czech lagers and pilsners, there’s a much deeper food & beverage scene that you might not know about… Jan Macuch is a software-designer-turned-tour-guide that gets #PaidToDrinkBeer. He leads Prague’s food & beer tours for Eating Europe, and he definitely knows his way around the craft beer, cocktails, and food in his home country. After growing up in the former Czechoslovakia while it was still under Communist rule, Jan has seen first-hand how the culture and culinary scene in the Czech Republic have evolved, turning Prague into the dynamic food & drinking city that it is today. Jan’s stories fill this episode with an incredible “cultural experience for your ears” from start to finish, and will certainly have you craving so