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Ep. 26 | “Flight School” with Standard Deviant Brewing | Live from San Francisco, CA



If you like beer and sh*t-talking, this episode is for you! We’re back with another edition of “Flight School,” this time with the gang at Standard Deviant Brewing in the heart of San Francisco, CA. Mark DeVito and Paul Duatschek – 2 of the brewery’s 3 proprietors – join us for this episode, and we basically spend as much time ripping on one another as we do talking about beer. As a brewery, Standard Deviant is veering away a bit from the trends that are characteristics of most West Coast breweries. Instead of brewing the most aggressively-hopped IPAs, these guys are focusing on traditional German styles like Kolsch and Altbier, while producing a fine lineup of single-hop pale ales as well. Come thirsty! This episode will have you craving a broader selection of beer sooner than you think. After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for the monthly “Brewsletter.” Cheers!