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015: Yoga + Beer with Downward Drinking Dog – Live from Hapa’s Brewing in San Jose, CA



Yoga paired with beer seems like an odd combination…until you listen to this episode! Lori Thomas & Pat Santos are the founders of Downward Drinking Dog, a San Jose-based event series that throws yoga parties at breweries and craft beverage venues around the Bay Area. Have you ever wondered what beer pairs best with a plank, handstand, or any other yoga pose? Well, after this episode, you won’t have to, because Lori & Pat have the answers! We met up at Hapa’s Brewing Company in San Jose for our first ever South Bay episode, where this newcomer to the Bay Area beer scene just opened up shop in 2017. With a lineup of beers that are straight forward yet creative – and a brewery with plenty of space for yoga mats – you’ll want to pay these guys a visit.