Pubcast Worldwide

007: Moose Bob Walker: Long-Term Traveler & Makeshift Bartender – Live from Boneyard Saloon in Park City, UT



We’ve interviewed a lot of folks on this show that are doing some pretty creative things in beer and travel…founders, tour guides, hostel managers. But what about a straight-up backpacker? Kyle “Moose Bob” Walker is a true long-term traveler. This bartendin’ powder-farmin’ flip-phone-carryin’ nomad has been traveling the world for over 4 years, and has the stories to prove it. We talk about Moose’s journeys from Indonesia to Yellowstone, while discussing the history of Park City and the Sundance Film Festival. His philosophy on life and travel is straight-forward: SIMPLIFY. We get into all that over a couple Utah craft beers on the rooftop of Boneyard Saloon & Kitchen, with a perfect view of the Rocky Mountains to boot.