Start To Continue's Podcast

Episode 38 - Talkin Joe Down With Dinosaurs and Soundtracks



Joe runs out of gas and chokes down 3 jumbos while trying to drive Joe’s sure the plan is for him to have a stroke while doing these damn renos Who needs sleep? Thunderstorm makes Joe turn nightlight on Bill tries to pull Joe away from the dark and back towards the light Making jam and Bill’s conspiracy theory regarding strawberry picking Bill’s box office fiasco while taking kids to Jurassic World Bill takes kid to the Disney movie Inside Out Excited about upcoming Charlie Brown movie and recalling the specials Did anyone buy the RCA SelectaVision CED Video Disk Player Some of our favorite movie soundtracks Checking in with Bill’s Resident Evil 4 progress Twitter:  STCPod Website*Facebook: Facebook is dead to us YouTube Channel:  iTunes: Stitcher: Podcast URL: