Divorce Support

Conscious Uncoupling: The Inside Scoop from the Woman Who Inspired Gwyneth & Chris



www.DivorceView.com The Divorce View Talk Show with co-hosts: Joanie Winberg and Rosalind Sedacca Guest: Katherine Woodward Thomas, marriage and family therapist and author of the New York bestselling book... "Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happy Even After"- www.ConsciousUncoupling.com Today's discussions: - The real meaning of conscious uncoupling - Are you in pain from a past or present breakup? - How conscious uncoupling can help heal everyone involved, including the children Tune in for much, much more!! Join us every Wednesday @ 5PM EDT And always remember... there is hope, happiness and life after divorce! The Divorce Mentors, Joanie and Rosalind Joanie's website- www.FreshStartAfterDivorce.com Rosalinds's website: www.childcentereddivorce.com A quote about Joanie and Rosalind from Joan Rogliano, a Real Estate Divorce Specialist, "You two are wonderful- so real and warm- yet serious about this important work you are doing." #divorce #divorcesupport #coparenting #divorcedmoms #divorced #divorc