Divorce Support

Colorize, Accessorize, Energize after Divorce and Before Dating Again



www.DivorceView.com Welcome to The Divorce View Talk Show with co-hosts, Joanie Winberg and Rosalind Sedacca This week's guest: Betsy Barbieux, Certified Advanced Behavior Consultant and a Certified Image Consultant. Betsy coaches you  to communicate effectively inside and out- www.imageinsideout.com Today's Discussions from Betsy's booklet: - When to never buy a piece of clothing - What color does not make you smaller or thinner - What color blondes should never wear - How to wear your hair to look 5 years younger and 10 pounds lighter Tune in for much, much more!!Join us every Wednesday @ 5PM EDT  And always remember... there is hope, happiness and life after divorce!The Divorce Mentors, Joanie and Rosalind Joanie's website- www.FreshStartAfterDivorce.com Rosalinds's website: www.childcentereddivorce.com A quote about Joanie and Rosalind from Joan Rogliano, a Real Estate Divorce Specialist, "You two are wonderful- so real and warm- yet serious about this important work you are doing."   #divorce       #d