Divorce Support

Divorce- Thanks for the Memories! What "holiday memories" will you create for your children during and after divorce?



www.DivorceView.com Co-hosts: Joanie Winberg and Rosalind Sedacca Guest: Larry Sarezky, Family Law Attorney and producer of a "must see" film for all parents during and after divorce called "Talk to Strangers"- www.childcustodyfilm.com Topics to be discussed: - What holiday memories will your children remember during and after your divorce? Sad times or happy times? - What new holiday traditions will you start after your divorce? - How to co-parent during the holidays for the sake of your children Tune is for so much more!! Join us every Wednesday @ 5PM EST! And always remember... there is hope, happiness and life after divorce! See you next week, Rosalind and Joanie The Divorce Mentor Team Joanie Winberg: www.FreshStartAfterDivorce.com Rosalind Sedacca: www.ChildCenteredDivorce.com A quote about Joanie and Rosalind from Joan Rogliano, a Real Estate Divorce Specialist, "You two are wonderful- so real and warm- yet serious about this important work you are doing." #divorce #coparenting #divorcedmoms