Divorce Support

Stepparent... I don't need another parent, I just need a friend!



www.DivorceView.com The Divorce View Talk Show with co-hosts, Joanie Winberg and Rosalind Sedacca, The Divorce Mentor Team Guest: Australian Author, Karla Lee- www.Voice4Kids.com Book: "Please Don't Go" and "Is it my Fault?" Topic: Stepparent...I don't need another parent, you can just be my friend! Show discussion: Karla shares how it feels to be a child of divorce. At nine years of age, Karla's parents decided to get a divorce. She held in her sadness and emotions for thirteen years until she got the support/help to deal with her parents' divorce. She also shares how she had to make a tough decision concerning her mother and stepmother. Now at the age of forty one, Karla is writing books to support parents and their children during and after divorce. Other topics of discussion: - Do we REALLY know what our children are experiencing/feeling during and after divorce? - Is your teenager rebelling because he/she is "just" being a teenager or is it the anger and hurt feelings from the divorce? What are the RED