Divorce Support

Resolving child-related issues quickly and efficiently!



www.DivorceView.com The Divorce View Talk Show with co-hosts, Joanie Winberg and Rosalind Sedacca Guest: Larry Sarezky, Family Law Attorney and producer of a "must see" film for all parents during and after divorce called "Talk to Strangers"- www.childcustodyfilm.com Topics discussed: - What a powerful film from the perspective of children during divorce - Is enough being done to persuade parents and their team of professionals to protect children during the emotional experience of divorce? - Does the Custody Evaluation Process really protect children from humiliation or being compromised? - How parents have a chance to be heroes to their children! - Parents have great intentions, but are they really being naive in thinking that it's best for the court to make the decisions concerning their children? Tune is for so much more!! Join us every Wednesday @ 6PM EST! And always remember... there is hope, happiness and life after divorce! See you next week, Rosalind and Joanie, The Divorce Mentor Team A quote a