Internet Marketing Unwrapped

Internet Marketing Unwrapped 007 - Paul Colligan



Episode 7 of Internet Marketing Unwrapped features one of the internet's podcasting pioneers and top podcasting experts, Paul Colligan. Paul is host of the Profitable Podcasting show, creator of the Premium Podcasting model, and co-author of the Business Podcasting Bible. Not only has Paul made his name online through podcasts, but he has helped others do the same and continues to do that more than any other podcaster. After listening to the show you'll know why having a podcast can be extremely profitable to your online business, and you'll have a ton of ideas to get started. But how do you learn the process and get access to all the tools with help every step of the way? The answer is Paul's Podcast Creation Mastermind -- and Internet Marketing Unwrapped listeners get special access to the course. Click Here to discover how to get started podcasting with the Podcast Creation Mastermind! Become a FREE VIP Internet Marketing Unwrapped member for more freebies and special offers, and to join in the