Better Body San Diego Podcast

Building Your Body and Your Brain


Sinopsis -- The total package of living a healthy lifestyle not only includes being physically fit, but also mentally strong. The same energy and attention you put into building your body's strength, endurance and flexibility should also be applied to having a positive attitude and perspective on life. It takes combining mental and physical strength with solid nutrition habits to build a body and brain that can successfully work together to accomplish your life's goals. Mind Over Matter Living a well-balanced healthy lifestyle starts with focusing on your mental, physical and nutritional health during your daily life activities. If you are not 100 percent on your nutrition, training and attitude, one or all of those is bound to suffer. Your attitude in the weight room, on the elliptical or while using the battle rope has to stay with you while you are on the construction site, taking care of the kids or sitting in your office. One of the first steps to obtaining a strong body an