Better Body San Diego Podcast

January in July


Sinopsis January in July: Re-Commit to Your Resolutions this Summer  Do you make health and fitness resolutions to start out the New Year, but end up abandoning them before the first summer heat wave? Are you having a difficult time living a healthy and fit lifestyle this summer with the lure of outdoor barbecues and poolside parties? Have no fear – resolutions aren’t just for the start of the New Year any more. Now that you have hit the mid-point of the year, July is the perfect time to re-align your health and fitness goals. Close out the second half stretch strong and feeling great with the following tips to re-commit to your resolutions and incorporate fitness into your daily activities. Set Real Resolutions for Real Results One of the biggest obstacles for staying on track and achieving your resolutions is setting realistic goals that focus on long-term health and fitness results. Short-term goals of losing a certain amount of weight in only a few days or weeks is not o