Better Body San Diego Podcast

Kick Start Your Summer Body


Sinopsis Kick Start Your Summer Body by Focusing on a Healthy, Fit Lifestyle With the countdown to summer in full swing, it's time to start focusing on a total body health and fitness routine. Whether struggling to shed the last few winter pounds, maintaining weekend warrior fitness levels or competing as an endurance athlete, everyone can benefit from a fit, healthy lifestyle built around brain wellness, body fitness and belly health. Spring is the perfect time to start putting in the work to achieving overall health and fitness with National Public Health Week (April) and World Health Day (April) leading the way to a healthier society. As the theme for National Health Week states, "A Healthier America Begins Today: Join the Movement!"1 It is time to put all excuses and distractions behind you, as today is the day to start moving toward a healthy lifestyle that will lead to positive mental, physical and overall well-being results. Let's get started! Brain Wellness A healthy