Dear Daughters

On Creative Writing | The Learning Series | DD 206



We’re mixing things up this month on The Dear Daughters Podcast with The Learning Series. I love learning and the thought of all things back to school has inspired this entire series— I’m a true believer that we can never stop learning. This week I have a dear daughter, Jaclyn Byrd, on the podcast with me. It was Jaclyn’s idea to talk about creative writing this week. She started as a journalism major at school and found a deep love for creative writing while in school at the University of Texas. She walks us through how she found this passion from high school and into college, showing us how that love for writing transformed for her is inspiring in so many ways! I think you’re going to just love it.   We discuss things from journaling, to little love notes from my children, writers block, writing on Instagram, and even down into my own personal experiences in writing Unafraid, Dear Daughters, and The Grace Guide. Writing can look different for people in all seasons of life. It can be in a journal, on a post