Cut To The Chase

Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Disinformation — Propaganda Experts Philip Gardiner and Marshall Vian Summers (2 of 2)



Host: Marshall Masters 05-August-2008  [1:14:55] More Info Disinformation attacks are like pornography. We know them when we see them and eventually, a few brave souls come forward to call it what it is. Encouraged by their example, others add their voices until the offenders retreat to strike elsewhere. This has been business as usual with Planet X / Nibiru and 2012 research until the beginning of this year. However, since February 2008, a new and ominous trend has developed. There is a rapidly growing number of well funded, wolf pack disinformation attacks against whistle blowers, and the research groups such as that report on them. The two-fold aim of these highly organized, teams of operatives is clear. To suppress emerging truths as quickly as possible, and to do it in such a manner as to cause the greatest number of onlookers to say, "I don't get involved." More... “Chance favors the prepared mind."—Louis Pasteur Cut to the Chase Radio Home Page Access Past Sh