Free & Equal Network Podcast With Christina Tobin

Episode 28- Immortal Technique with Christina Tobin



Independent American Rapper and urban activist Immortal Technique engages in an enlightening and provocative discussion with Free & Equal’s Christina Tobin. Immortal Technique is a headlining performer at Free & Equal's United We Stand Festival on May 10th, 2014 at UCLA. Born Felipe Coronel in Peru in 1978, Immortal Technique now lives in Harlem, wealthy in terms of love, community, and self-respect having kept his message real. He reminds us that although many people define “success” in terms of material wealth and control, there are a lot of people whose “idea of success is just to be free and equal." He talks about traveling to Afghanistan in 2008 and working with Omeid International ( to build an orphanage, school and start a medical center there and how he values the positive effects of music as much as music itself. They discuss the downside of party politics, noting that even the socially concerned wing has turned a blind eye on the drug-addicted populatio