Amazing Fba

Time Management



Time management for Amazon Sellers Hey there, it's Michael from Amazing FBA, and I want to dive into a topic that's a crucial part of every entrepreneur's journey: the often misunderstood relationship between time and money. So often, we hear the phrase "time is money," and it's true in many ways, but it's also a concept that can lead us down a tricky path if we're not careful. Time management for Amazon sellers is difficult because Amazon and our contract manufacturers (suppliers) remove 95% of the manual labour. So what remains is often that fluffy stuff, "knowledge work". Let's break it down. Time management is so valuable because life is so short We often hear that time is a finite resource. Our productive years are limited, especially when you consider that retirement might come around 70 in the modern world. But what's intriguing is that while time holds immense value, it's more than just money. To truly measure the connection between time and money, the concept of the effective hourly rate comes into