
Episode 149: Child, PLEASE.



We’ve all been told at some point that “mama knows best.” We also, at some point, vowed never to be like our parents when we have kids in the future; we swear to parent our kids differently. Ylonda Gault Caviness joins us today on GluckRadio to talk about her wise and funny new memior “CHILD, PLEASE". She describes her journey that led her to the realization that all the parenting advice she was obessively devouring over as a new parent did not mean scratch compared to her mama’s old-school wisdom. We dive into the recent events that have unfolded in Baltimore, which showcased a black mother physically disciplining her rioting son, the differences between ‘black’ and ‘white’ parenting as well as other issues American mothers face when it comes to raising their kids in today’s day and age.